
At Southampton Docks

Monday, 26 September 2011

A wee story!

Dawn Thoughts!

         Sitting here in the early morning sunlight, windows open, a gently breeze tinkling the wind chimes. The sun paints the hills a golden hue then turns to red. Mist rises over the river as the day begins. I watch as the world awakens and wonder.
          What will the day bring today... rain is forecast later!
         Maybe I should go for a walk and enjoy the day while it lasts! Good idea, just get some breakfast first then off I go, maybe take the fishing bag as well... you never know!
         Walking down by the railway track birds singing... the blackbird is the first bird to sing in the morning and the last to sing in the evening... so it is said. Anyway it makes a cheery start to the day! Not many people about yet, the sun is warm on my face and there is a gentle breeze across the land. The scent of the countryside touches my nostrils, flowers I cannot name, freshly cut grass somewhere!
Yes this is definitely the best time of the day to be out and about! Down by the river now... Kingfishers diving for fish, insects skiting over the water’s surface, trout rising here! Time to stop and dabble a fly or two! A brace or trout for the bag... that’s lunch taken care of!
  Off we go again, the sky is adorned with a true morning glory now, clouds begin to gather as the true dawn takes shape. Maybe it won't rain after all! Sometimes I wish I had a dog; on days like today it would be good to have a dog to communicate with!
The wind is freshening I can smell rain coming, the sky is darkening as the glory of the early morning fades away, ripples across the bay turn into wavelets then white caps. Looks like we’re in for a blow then!
Back along the track now, homeward bound. People scurrying off to work, or wherever they are going. The wind growing stronger now, a few drops of rain spatter on the ground. People hurry to the station, collars up… heads down. Then there is calm, the wind drops, the sky blackens!
Then the wind comes with a sudden rush, deafening… catching your breath as it rushes down the valley to the estuary. Now the rain, a few large drops splatter the pathway, then more and more until you can hardly see in front of you! People running for the shelter of the station now, umbrellas turned inside out by the force of the wind. 
Pity the sailor setting out to sea on a morning like this. At the mouth of the estuary the sea is boiling. The wind howls and moans, gusting stronger, trees bending and straining under its command. I tighten my hood and stuff my hands deep into my pockets. The sky is almost black now… such a sudden change from the glory of the dawn!
Yes pity those poor sailors in this weather! I think my dog would have scurried off home by now if I had had one. I wouldn’t blame him if he had. Thunder rolls and lightning flashes on the horizon!
I stand and stare at the gathering storm… it has a beauty all of its own; varying shades of grey clouds with darkened underbellies, sunlight streaking through the gaps; birds seek shelter in the trees and wherever it can be found. The sky darkens even more; lightning comes in broad blue streaks followed by the deafening claps of thunder as the storm gathers strength. Rain coming hard and heavy now lashing the ground, muddy pools turn into rivulets as the water seeks an escape!
The sky lights up with a searing bolt of lightning followed by tremendous clap of thunder… I awake with a start; rain lashing against my window, thunder follows lightning. Glad I’m not out in that!

Time for a cup of tea I think!

1 comment:

  1. i love this posts dad!! coolll..... your really a writer :) gooo post more... keep it up dad
